Secretariat's Addressal

Saara Lunawat
Secretary General
It was former US President, Mr. Abraham Lincoln that had said,
“The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.”
I am a culprit of bringing up this quote a lot, may it be debates, essays or columns. Yet, there has never been a time as fitting as this one; to use this quote to begin my address as the Secretary General of DCMUN 2024. As someone who wishes to actualise their dreams in the realm of public policy and diplomacy, I am a staunch believer in the fact that what I do today will count not only for my future tomorrow but the society’s as well. It is because we will all contribute to the world tomorrow; but how we do it, depends on the steps we take today.
It is with this vision I warmly welcome all of you to DCMUN 2024. This year’s theme: Eperantia, calls upon the delegates to uncover the voices of the unheard. It is cynical to say but the harsh reality is that certain conflicts have become dare I say, ‘mainstream’ (the portrayal of geopolitics in media is a conversation for another time). The fact of the matter is that there are conflicts across the world we haven’t even heard of. It is our duty as delegates and moderators this year to do our part and become more aware of what goes on around the globe.
So, prepare yourself, to question, argue, debate and learn; for it is the conversation the youth drives today, that develops the world of tomorrow.
We have poured our heart and soul into the conference this year, and I cannot wait to welcome all of you to DC this year.
Sapere Aude – Dare to Know
Until August,
Saara Lunawat
Secretary General, DCMUN 2024